It also contains Openssl and PKCS11 wrapper classes in C++ which might be useful to. B-Trust eDoc v.rc B-Trust eDoc is a program built on top of LibDigiDoc a free implementation of the OpenXAdES standard for signing/encrypting files using smartcard tokens.Includes easy access (GUI frontend) to: public key algorithms, symmetric ciphers, hash algorithms, X.509 certificates, PKCS, smart cards ( PKCS11) access and other utilities. CryptoStudio v.rc General-purpose cryptographic application.It allows all day-to-day actions to be done fast and easily, like changing the PIN, inspecting or deleting objects on the token et cetera.

Please visit project website for more information. Pkcs11-logger v.1.0 This project provides stable releases of pkcs11-logger project hosted on github.PKCS11-Helper v.1.07 Open source library that will simplify interaction with PKCS#11 providerPKCS11-Helper is a library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS#11 providers for end-user applications using a simple API and optional OpenSSL engine.